Welcome to bittersweet portraits!
Specializing in farm & ranch photography & graphic design.
Inspired by my children & the lovelies around our farm.
Please don't hesitate to contact me for any further info!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Chelsey {senior 2014}

My beautiful cousin ♥ I had a blast with this session and I didn't know which ones to share. They were all so beautiful! I hope you enjoy them!! :)



Friday, July 12, 2013

the H siblings | north missouri children's photographer

Now this is what I am talking about when you need to just let children be children and capture their raw emotion. Nothing much posed here. A few simple props, but their personality is all 100% natural. :) I just can not express enough how much I love images like these. :) I hope you enjoy their sweet childhood beauty. ♥
And a fun little outtake. Snack break! Yum! ♥

AHHHH...just because summer is so much fun. Just a lovely couple randoms of my sweet boy. Summer time is always the best for outdoor play. Dirt, sweat, non-matching clothes. And you can't go wrong with a tool box full of tools! ;) It's pretty awesome to be this young and have no worries. You don't have a care in the world...especially about what you look like! LOL So just venture out and have a wonderful weekend. Care free but safe of course ;)
 My dad and Mr. Zane ready to rake some more hay. We had to take a potty break :)
My little farmer is so proud of "his" bales. As a child, summer time was such a great time to make memories. I loved to help out on the farm. Haying season and building fence were fun to me (yeah it's hard work) but I loved being outside with my family. I am so glad we can pass this on to our youngsters! ♥ 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

It's all okay ♥

Somedays I really feel overwhelmed. I think it's a mixture of taking care of two children with my husband gone working, trying to build a new house and trying to continue on with my photography dream. I don't expect people to watch my kids all the time but a break here and there would be so nice. And then I also get this sick feeling every time I drive past my grandma's old house and know that she isn't there anymore. I can't stop in and visit or buzz her on the phone. It breaks my heart over again everyday. So then I look for the good things in life to keep me going. God is always there and I should pray more often than I do. I just need to remember all my wonderful blessings and go on with the day. I want to use this blog not only for my photography from this point on, but little everyday randoms. I want to share as a photographer, an artist a mother and a wife. To share my joys, my sadness, my anger and so on. We all deal with it. It's just human to do so. I hope you come back to visit. I enjoy the work I do and without you all I wouldn't be able to pursue my dream. ♥ I will be posting a little preview from my most recent session soon! Very excited! :)
A double rainbow. Photo taken with my phone :)


Don't forget about some of the lovely products I offer. So many things you can do nowadays then just regular prints on paper. I love the possibilities!

Prints on wood. You can make colleges or just do a single photo. Other options are available also.

These canvas photo books with linen paper are very nice. Great for weddings, special events, styled sessions such as this and much, much more! This was a simple design but you can go as elaborate as you want.
And don't forget to give that special someone a gift certificate!
Different price options are available to purchase through my store using PayPal.