Welcome to bittersweet portraits!
Specializing in farm & ranch photography & graphic design.
Inspired by my children & the lovelies around our farm.
Please don't hesitate to contact me for any further info!

Friday, July 12, 2013

AHHHH...just because summer is so much fun. Just a lovely couple randoms of my sweet boy. Summer time is always the best for outdoor play. Dirt, sweat, non-matching clothes. And you can't go wrong with a tool box full of tools! ;) It's pretty awesome to be this young and have no worries. You don't have a care in the world...especially about what you look like! LOL So just venture out and have a wonderful weekend. Care free but safe of course ;)
 My dad and Mr. Zane ready to rake some more hay. We had to take a potty break :)
My little farmer is so proud of "his" bales. As a child, summer time was such a great time to make memories. I loved to help out on the farm. Haying season and building fence were fun to me (yeah it's hard work) but I loved being outside with my family. I am so glad we can pass this on to our youngsters! ♥