Welcome to bittersweet portraits!
Specializing in farm & ranch photography & graphic design.
Inspired by my children & the lovelies around our farm.
Please don't hesitate to contact me for any further info!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

It's all okay ♥

Somedays I really feel overwhelmed. I think it's a mixture of taking care of two children with my husband gone working, trying to build a new house and trying to continue on with my photography dream. I don't expect people to watch my kids all the time but a break here and there would be so nice. And then I also get this sick feeling every time I drive past my grandma's old house and know that she isn't there anymore. I can't stop in and visit or buzz her on the phone. It breaks my heart over again everyday. So then I look for the good things in life to keep me going. God is always there and I should pray more often than I do. I just need to remember all my wonderful blessings and go on with the day. I want to use this blog not only for my photography from this point on, but little everyday randoms. I want to share as a photographer, an artist a mother and a wife. To share my joys, my sadness, my anger and so on. We all deal with it. It's just human to do so. I hope you come back to visit. I enjoy the work I do and without you all I wouldn't be able to pursue my dream. ♥ I will be posting a little preview from my most recent session soon! Very excited! :)
A double rainbow. Photo taken with my phone :)